Works from the Lost in a Moment series
Dawn has been exploring the use of various slips to express the tone and mood of a piece.
Most recently, in Sunset, Dawn explores colour, tone and atmospheric skyscapes through a painterly approach. These works are inspired by nature's transitory beauty.
Her Lost in a Moment series are inspired by the spots of sunlight dancing through her vision as she dozed one winter's afternoon. That sense of warmth, lightness and softness are evoked through the pillowy porcelain forms.
In Weathered, coloured slips are layered to create a textured, peeling effect, celebrating the wabi sabi beauty of the passage of time.
Contrasting slips are used in a painterly way with gestural brushstrokes on conical vessel forms to evoke landscape imagery in Landscapes, real or imagined.
Dawn Tang is a ceramic artist based in Melbourne, Australia.
After many years working in a finance background Dawn sought to reconnect with her creative spirit. Dawn discovered the magic of clay when she enrolled in wheel throwing classes. She loves that each piece is unique, embued with one's individual spirit and feeling at the time of creation. Dawn completed her Diploma in Ceramics in 2014.
Inspired by day to day observations, memories, moments, experiences, and travels, Dawn's works are a personal response to the world around her. She is interested in exploring the sense of place, and its connection to memories of landscapes and experiences, whether conscious or subliminal.
She is drawn to creating vessel forms that are clean with simple lines. Using high fired porcelain and stoneware, Dawn's works are mainly wheel thrown. She enjoys making visually tactile objects.
Works from the Sunset series